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During the 15-day outage, from Saturday, November 25, to Sunday morning, December 10, the construction of emergency crossovers in Waalhaven South is in full swing. The work is progressing according to schedule. After the completion of these crossovers, the firefighting train will no longer be in use.


The following activities have been carried out:

– The emergency power generator at Waalhaven South was put into operation last weekend. A blackout test (power outage) was conducted to test the functioning of the emergency generator. It was found that the fire extinguishing system was back to firefighting capacity within 60 seconds.

– The fire extinguishing pipeline on the south side, near Alstom, has been relocated and equipped with conduit pipes, prepared for two rail crossings.

– Two switches, 1010 and 1011 on track PC, have been removed.

– Various overhead line masts have been installed and relocated.
